Diabetes Program

  • This is a proven program to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. For more information and to enroll please call (661) 402-2319 or email jessica@sdfhc.org.

  • The emphasis is on Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes AND everyone is welcome.  For more information and to enroll please call (661) 402-2319 or email jessica@sdfhc.org.

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National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP)

CDC-approved curriculum with lessons, handouts, and other resources to help participants make healthy changes.

A lifestyle coach, specially trained to lead the program, help teach new skills, encourage participants to set and meet goals, and keep them motivated.

A virtual support group of people with similar goals and challenges.

SDFHC received full National Diabetes Prevention Program Recognition from the CDC.

Come Bien / Eat Well Lifestyle
Change Classes

Emphasis on Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes, AND everyone is welcome.

The class is facilitated by a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) who also holds a culinary whole food plant-based certification and can help you gain knowledge about a broad range of topics and skills to self-manage diabetes.

Come and join our virtual weekly support group!

Already Enrolled?

If you have enrolled, please take a moment to complete the this registration form.